Mission statement SABU-Consult GmbH

Our key areas of specialisation:

  • Sector-independent company consulting
  • Emotional support
  • Communication hub and knowledge coordination between clients and their business partners as well as our network partners
  • Service partner for bookkeeping, payroll accounting and annual accounts

We have room for emotions

We are good listeners and are supporting and understanding if you have any personal worries or concerns. Whether as moderator, mediator or agent between all parties involved – we support you in moving away from the emotional to the factual level. Hereby friendly, respectful, calm and forthcoming dealings with our clients are, for us, paramount.

We focus on the needs of our clients

We don’t provide you with standard advice but, instead, consider, together with you, how our service can optimally complement and support your work. In association with you, we develop customised solutions which are adapted to meet the specific conditions of your company. In this way, you can successfully continue processes which you started with us also in the future.

The success of our clients is our priority

We always keep an eye on the long-term business success – even if there are urgent and daily challenges. In our support, we help you to optimise your business activity with regard to people, work procedures and technology. To do so, we have extensive experience, the expertise, the tools, the methods and the vision. Our cooperation partners, meanwhile, offer you a reliable and trusting network for cross-sector advice.

We act with thought and consideration and always in the sense of our clients

We work cost consciously and success orientated. Reliability and complete adherence to all legal regulations, work safety as well as ecological and financially prudent working forms the basis of our activities.  

We appreciate each other and know we can count on each other

We work team orientated and intensively. Our culture is defined by the individuality of the employees, open dialogue and feedback, mutual respect, clear goals and clear leadership. We are professional and trusting and strive to have long term relationships with our clients with open communication, discretion as well as mutual appreciation and cooperation.